Sunday, May 3, 2009

How to Get Rid of That Stink in Your Mouth

Wondering why people treat you like an alien and don't want to come near you? Having halitosis or chronic bad breath and not knowing it can be pretty shocking when you do find out later. Not to worry, read on to find out how to treat your halitosis.

Firstly, if you are wondering how to check if you have bad breath without embarrassing yourself, do the following : Lick the inside of your wrist with the furthest part of your tongue as possible. Give it a few seconds, say 5 seconds, then smell it. If there is even a hint of anything unpleasant you have bad breath. This is one of the best ways to check your breath and sure beats asking someone to get up close and smell your mouth!

Some cases of bad breath are mild and temporary and treatment for these can be surprisingly basis and simple. We have all been taught, since we were kids to brush our teeth twice a day and to floss regularly. This still holds true now and probably always will. In fact, to reduce the chances of bad breath even further I would suggest brushing after every meal, or every time you eat, and especially before bedtime,and don't forget to brush your tongue as well, especially the back part.

The reason for this is that the most common cause of bad breath is the food we eat. Most people don't chew properly and leave small particles in the mouth, or between the teeth.These particles actually rot after a while resulting in plaque, mouth disease and, of cause, bad breath. Did you know that you should chew your food 30 times before swallowing? It not only aids digestion but also prevents mouth disease. Unfortunately, with today's hectic lifestyles most people brush their teeth once let alone three times a day, and flossing is a dying art.And let's not forget chewing, most of us swallow our food whole!

Besides how you eat what you eat can also determine the extent of the problem.Try an stay away from sulfur-rich food like onions, and spicy, strong foods like chilly and garlic. If you love these type of foods just cut down or be prepared. Carry sugar free gum or some mouth spray and use immediately after consuming your favorite curry or garlic pizza. As I said before, brushing after a meal, doesn't matter what you eat, is also a good idea.

For chronic halitosis simple mouth sprays or gums might not work. In such cases a visit to your dentist would be highly recommended. He or she would be able to determine the cause of your bad breath , and in most chronic cases the treatment and cure of the gum disease usually alleviates the halitosis as well.

In some cases severe bad breath, or halitosis can be the result of medication you are using. Speak to your dentist who might be able to prescribe an alternative. If you prefer a more natural solution or even a specific diet plan to combat the problem, or to prevent it, again speak to your dentist and he or she will surely provide you with the best way forward.

Halitosis can be pretty embarrassing and can certainly put the brakes on your social life, but it doesn't have to be that way. Like any other aspect of your health oral health is just as important. Take the time out from your hectic lifestyle and just change a few simple things. Who knows, that little black book might fill up very quickly!

A Modack is a health and fitness enthusiast and the writer of numerous articles and product reviews related to health and fitness. Want to learn more on how to accomplish easy weight loss and good health? Don't waste your time, effort and money on B.S. "Miracle Programs" that don't deliver results! Learn the honest truth revealed by genuine health and fitness experts and get your free workouts and meal plans available at =>

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